PowerMacs Displays Powerbooks Printers Older Accessories Storage
Pictures are for guidance only, they are not necessarily of the actual item offered. Prices shown include VAT but not carriage which will be added at the order stage. Items offered are usually used or refurbished or 'open box', new items are as described. The condition of used items is as indicated, unless otherwise stated all used items have a 90 day return to Clocktower warranty and new items carry a 1 year warranty and/or the manufacturer's warranty. All copyrights and trademarks acknowledged.
Usually available:
Ex-demo and scruffy box CDRW and DVD drives, various brands, FireWire, USB, SCSI, SATA - call 01376 340579
FireWire & USB drive cases - upgrade your Mac or PowerBook and fit the old drive in a box for backup. Easy fitting with cables - from £35 (2.5") & £40 (3.5") including vat.
Replacement hard drives for desktop Macs & PowerBooks, iBooks, SCSI, SATA & IDE, call 01376 340579 for best pricing. Some refurbished drives available.
PowerMacs Displays Powerbooks Printers Older Accessories Storage